Monday, April 13, 2009



I came across an article by David Brawner which I felt would be of use to most of the over fifties. Rather than trying to explain everything I thought of reproducing it here for the benefit of everyone who visits this blog. Here it is.

Did you all know that fat cells are necessary for a healthy body? They provide cushioning, insulation, protection, store energy, and a host of other functions required to sustain life.
First thing you need to change is thinking that FAT is your enemy! FAT is your friend...
Dave, are you CRAZY!
No, but the problem is EXCESS fat, not FAT itself. So the question is; How did we get so much excess FAT on/in our body?
Baring genetics, or some physical anomaly that belongs on House, we gained excess fat because our body was doing exactly what it was designed to do... protect us from the environment.

You see, the body tries to maintain a very delicate pH balance in order to function efficiently and properly. Let's just say that pH is the acid/alkaline ratio in the blood and tissues.
Scientist have kept chicken hearts beating for YEARS on a jar solely by providing a proper pH in the fluid surrounding the heart. That's all the muscles and tissue cells required to continue functioning indefinitely. The experiment was eventually ended because there was no evidence the heart was showing signs of deterioration or slowing down.
So what's this got to do with us being FAT?
There are many ways our blood becomes too acidic. Every cell in your body produces acid wastes in the normal course of business. Add stress, and some dietary acids, and the blood quickly becomes too acidic.
It's the Liver's job to keep our blood clean and at the proper pH to sustain life. It has ONLY two ways to accomplish this. It can convert the acidic, toxic substances into harmless compounds that the body can safely use or excrete, OR, it can store the little buggers away until it has what it needs to process them.
Did the light come on? Yes, the liver stashes these toxins and acids in fat cells were the can't hurt us... At least not right away but the Liver doesn't know that.
Don't believe me? Try fasting long enough that the body resorts to using fat stores for energy. You'll feel the effects of those toxins being released immediately. Headaches, stiffness, skin rashes and breakouts, bad breath, you name it.
So, to recap, we produce acidic toxins every day just walking around being human beings. In a perfect world, with good nutrition, the Liver has everything it needs to adequately convert these wastes, and allow the body to get rid of them.
But alas, we eat too much processed food, our unprocessed food supply has been grown in nutrient depleted soil filled with pesticides, we consume huge quantities of artificial compounds such as food colorings, sweeteners, preservatives, drugs, you name it.

May I give you an example?
Let's say your blood is already acidic due to the stuff you eat, but you're trying, you're eating plenty of fresh vegetables and such. Then go and refresh yourself with a diet coke.
The carbonation (carbolic acid), being a gas, goes immediately into your blood stream from your intestines. Major acid spike! On top of that the artificial sweetener makes its way into the blood and the Liver says "What the --- is that!"
Either way, since it's on overload already, the only choice your poor Liver has is to pack that sh!t off to another fat cell.
OK Dave, but I don't drink sodas and I exercise religiously, but still can't get rid of the extra weight!
Exercise speeds up your metabolism. The harder your cells work to meet your demands, the more toxic wastes they pump into your blood.
It's not unlike you car engine... step on the gas and you get more exhaust along with the extra speed.
What is your post exercise routine to deal with that? Betcha never even thought about it before now, huh?
Your body wants to maintain a certain muscle/fat ratio. I don't know what your set point is, but I'm pretty sure it's probably not what your body fat % is right now.
The only way your body can maintain what it needs, the only way it was designed to do it, is to maintain a proper pH.
If anyone's interested, I can shed some light (and pounds) on the subject of blood pH in another post. It's incredibly easy and incredibly effective.
Why haven't you heard about it? Because it's cheap and the pharma's can't make money on it.
So now you know why you get FAT, and why you have trouble losing it!

David Brawner, PMP

David Brawner has left a comment in my blog, which I would like to post here.

Good information about the BCM. I agree with everything you said about the benefits as the machine promotes circulation of not only blood, but the interstitial fluids that surround all our cells.

However, the comment on needing more oxygen is misleading.

Yes we need oxygen to be sure, but it has to be deliverable to our muscles and cells via the blood. Too much oxygen and we find accumulations of "free radicals" that can cause all sorts of trouble. Those are the things for which we take "anti-oxidants".

Free radicals are associated with heart disease and cancers

The short retort is that it's more important to get rid of acidic toxins than get more oxygen, and your BCM machine helps to do just that.

Dave - theSolutionGuy

Please go to the following sites for more information.

Posts on Health,weight, and pH at and

So, now we know why we are not losing weight.

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